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We’d like to take a moment and wish Happy holiday season to you! This year, our digital greeting card is designed by Hanna Ruusulampi.
Osta Työtä Suomeen -päivä tarjoaa erinomaisen mahdollisuuden tehdä sinivalkoisia valintoja ja valinnoilla vaikuttaa työpaikkojen määrään Suomessa.
With this license you will acquire contemporary pattern designs with a lot of flexibility regarding the markets, product categories and time.
Besides designing single patterns, we work also with large design management projects. Here below you can read about Patternsfrom Agency’s design services in a nutshell. Collection suggestion We have a stock of hundreds of patterns in production-ready .pdf -files. This package includes our top picks based on your wishlist: more specified wishes give […]
Jenny Jännäri’s article in Kauppalehti Optio summarizes very well our work as design agents and the facts that we wish people to know about Patternsfrom Agency.
Tekstiili- ja pintasuunnittelupalvelut kattavat tuotantovalmiit kuosit sekä mallistojen, konseptien, värien ja materiaalien koordinoinnin.
We have participated in conducting a study there sustainability of dresses and pattern designs printed with rotation and digital method were studied.
Pattern novelties for kids and babies are out now! Get in touch with us to get access to see the pattern designs for 2025-26.
This service is good for companies that are either busy sourcing patterns or are unsure how to coordinate a collection in Scandinavian style.