At the campfire with Hanna Ruusulampi
Published: 02/09/2020
Hanna Ruusulampi designed three patterns with the theme At the campfire. This is how she describes the design process and the stories behind each pattern.
“As a kid I use to be a girl scout, as my both kids are now. The pattern family has its inspiration from treks in the forest and campfires. It was designed before the covid-19 epidemic started, so I didn’t know how popular “covid-19 lockdown” hobby trekking in the forest will be in Finland. Now seems that everybody is out in the forest.
My style is often really graphic and strong, but with light colors a graphic pattern can be soft and calm. Savu (Smoke) pattern in light colors is a good example of that. However, with different kind of colorways, the pattern changes its mood and purpose.
The pattern Syyt (Wood grain) has its inspiration from the logwood and how the surface looks on it. Every year, good or bad, leaves a mark and makes the surface more interesting. The pattern “Kulma” reminds you of a gabled tent. Kulma is the Finnish word for corner. This pattern gives a nice balance to the other curly patterns of “Iltanuotiolla” pattern family.
My idea was to design At the campfire for interior textiles, but they work in clothing as well.”
How would you use these patterns?
You have a chance to see these patterns printed on paper at Evolution Amsterdam there we exhibit September 2-4 2020.