
Grayscale pattern designs by Ilana Vähätupa

Published: 23/02/2021

Here you have a chance to get to know Ilana Vähätupa’s grayscale pattern designs. Well, not fully grayscale, because a bit of color is always a good idea.

Small simple details of nature have been the source of inspiration for Ilana’s pattern collection Mantu consisting of patterns Pilke, Nurmi, and Kivikko.

For the Pilke pattern, Ilana played with the light and shadow on rocks, round shapes and three shades of gray. The color of the pencil used for the first sketches also had its influence on the colorways of the pattern. The outcome is a simplified and abstract all-around pattern.

According to Ilana, getting close enough is probably the best way to notice details. Those bendy blades of grass moving in the wind and reflecting light were the inspiration for the pattern Nurmi.

Small callunas and lichens among the rocks create their own spontaneous pattern on the ground. Kivikko-pattern´s first colorway got its hues from the lighter-colored plants and the darker hued rocks.


With our coloring service, it is possible to change also these patterns to complete grayscale pattern designs. We are happy to make minor changes to any of our ready-made patterns to make them fit your needs better. Get in touch for more details.

PS. Did you know that Ilana Vähätupa has been the longest time on Patternsfrom Agency’s roster?