Nature-themed patterns by Noora Hattunen
Published: 16/03/2021
This time you have a chance to get to know nature-themed patterns by Noora Hattunen. Actually, you get to step into her daydream at Olavinlinna castle, built in the 15th century.
“In the summer we made an excursion to Savonlinna, a city in the Eastern part of Finland. On a guided tour of Olavinlinna Castle, I paused to dream for a time when the castle was still inhabited. In my thoughts, I was a gardener in the castle, growing plums, various berries, and roots in the castle yard. I made sure, that there was enough food for the inhabitants of the castle. The castle courtyard was small but green. A variety of flowers and plants climbed along the stone walls of the castle. The gardener had a special love for the castle plums, which she could admire until late in the evening in the light of her little oil lamp. I woke up to reality when the guide asked us to carefully climb the narrow stairs up to the tower.”
After that trip, Noora drew three patterns for her Linnanpiha-pattern family. Korte is a rather simple pattern with leaf motives, and in Marja, you can almost taste the ripe berries that the gardener has grown. Luumutarha has elements of both above plus much more, including the gardener’s favorites, plums.