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Nonodd Design Studio’s classy floral patterns bring back memories of endless sunny summer days and the surprises of gardening.
The top 3 pattern designs for our second pattern challenge have been chosen. Get to know the designs and the artists!
These graphic floral pattern designs are especially suitable for wallpapers of Scandinavian-style interiors.
Yksilölliset valmennukset tekstiilisuunnittelijoille antavat tietoa, taitoa ja itseluottamusta omien asiakkaiden kohtaamiseen sekä yrityksen kannattavuuden parantamiseen.
These pattern designs with vintage feeling got inspiration from old clothes and home textiles found in an attic of an old house.
These Anna Kuukka’s minimalistic pattern designs are especially suitable for bedding, bedroom wallcoverings, or other interior textiles and accessories.
Tänä vuonna portfoliokatselmus toimii porttina kokeilujaksolle kuosiagentuuriin: tarjoamme paikkaa Heimtextil-messuosastolla ja kuosikirjastossa!
The top 3 pattern designs for our second pattern challenge have been chosen. Get to know the designs and the artists!
Patternsfrom Agency is changing its pricing of seamless pattern designs as an annual license has been introduced.