
Searching for inspiration in midwinter

Published: 29/01/2020

As the four seasons of Finland vary a whole lot, we asked our designers to open up, and tell about their favourite activities in the dark wintertime. Ammi Lahtinen decided to describe her favourite winter activities which help her when searching for inspiration for new patterns.

As the days are short and dark, also Ammi spends more time indoors compared to the summer months. She loves the smell of various spices when baking gingerbread cookies for the Christmas. One of her favourite things to do is to play boardgames with a happy gang of friends and family.

However, Ammi has a dog, a corgi called Piko. She takes him out to walk on a regular basis, rain or shine. Together they admire the changing scereny and its small details. Piko loves to fetch snowballs, but sometimes Ammi manages to make a small snowman before Piko notices. Often times, when outdoors, Ammi collects treasures which she re-arranges, takes a photograph of and makes an Instagram post. These collections she uses later on when designing patterns.

After a walk in fresh, crispy, outdoor air, still feeling the frost on the cheeks, she continues designing beautiful patterns for various surfaces. Even floral ones, in the middle of winter.