Why license a pattern design?
Published: 20/12/2023
Why license a pattern design when you can buy one? Why be unsure of the total costs if you can estimate them precisely? Most pattern designs are still sold with the outright terms, but let’s look at the option of licensing a pattern design.
Generally speaking, there are no rules for the pricing of a pattern design, and the outright purchase allows you to use the design anywhere in the world, usually for an unlimited period.
Today, well-established multinational brands keep pushing out to the markets not just their Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter collections, but also seasonal collections e.g. Christmas or school start. Certain companies are willing to push something new to the market even more frequently, almost every week. In these cases, patterns and prints are consumed more than ever before, and the average lifetime for one design is very short.
At the same time, there are plenty of startups focusing on sustainability and willing to create classics that would survive coming and-going trends. The small teams developing a brand may not have the expertise in the industry, the design, or the taste of their customers, and investing in just a few pattern designs is a risky business for these companies.
License a pattern design that fits any business!
These above phenomena have been noted at Patternsfrom Agency, too. We have developed a solution that fits these two very different demands, and of course many others as well – licensing of a pattern design. Multinationals get patterns for a specific season, and startups patterns supporting their developing brand. The solution is very cost-effective and low in risk for all parties.
Now you may ask a relevant question about exclusivity: The design is not exclusive if two or more companies use the same design! That is very true, but does your company reach all 8 billion people around the globe? This is the key reason why licensing a pattern design is a perfect solution for any business, no matter what its products are and where it operates. The fact is that most of the companies operate very locally and within a limited number of product groups.
Patternsfrom Agency aims to be a flexible partner for companies in the need for patterns for textiles or other surfaces. We are equally eager to supply our patterns to small and big companies, near and far, with or without their design team, but first of all, with fair pricing. Why would you pay any extra for a pattern design if you don’t need to?
With this said, we are not talking about licensing of a brand, but rather art, the pattern. If you are interested, please get in touch to hear the details!