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Exclusive bedding for Showa Nishikawa
Published: 13/09/2017
In 2016 and in 2017 we designed several patterns for the exclusive bedding collections of Showa Nishikawa, located in Tokyo, Japan.
The first contact with Showa Nishikawa was through the delegate of Nomura Trading at Heimtextil 2016, where the teams chose the most suitable patterns for the upcoming collection of Showa Nishikawa. However, the patterns needed some modifications in the terms of changing colors and adding elements. The designers of Patternsfrom Agency were happy to design jointly with the team in Japan in the mutually agreed time frame.
Later on, Nomura stepped down from the role of an intermediate, as the service of Patternsfrom Agency was of a high standard, and the representatives of Showa Nishikawa felt comfortable working directly with us. Again, the design process began by going through the pattern library manually. We suggested some ready-made patterns first, and the chosen ones were modified to suit better the needs of Japanese consumers during the design process. Also, the colors were changed to fit the color palette of Showa Nishikawa.
The exclusive bedding line with all Nordic materials, including pattern designs from us and eiderdown from Denmark, was promoted by the famous Japanese drag-artist Matsuko Deluxe.