
We have been selling patterns and design consultancy services since 2016. In addition to the references further down below, we have also worked with the following companies and brands:

Kela – Kansaneläkelaitos, Verhees Textiles, SakupeLuolai Group, Beijing Intx Consulting, Nitori, Nohara Holdings, Joban Kyodo Printing, Facade Corporation, Familon, Silkentex, Bickly Curtain and Nomura Trading.

Pattern design for woven baby blanket

Barker Textiles is the supplier of the woven baby blanket for the KELA maternity package 2022. Ammi Lahtinen designed the pattern for it.

Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy for innovative bedding in Finnish hospitals

Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy is the leading provider of textiles for hospitals and care homes located in Southern Finland. Besides textiles per se, Puro provides also maintenance services for textiles with its big and efficient laundry facilities washing about 9 million kilos of laundry every year.

Custom-made pattern for kids bedroom curtains

Designer Ammi Lahtinen’s Space Adventure is a custom-made pattern for the kids’ collection of our long-time customer Deconovo. The curtains with blackout and thermal insulating effects come in three colorways.

Business coaching for Guldunen

During business coaching sessions Ms. Elina Antila learned how to recognize work that is inspiring and takes her and her company forward.

Bedding patterns for Univisio

Univisio, was in the need of new bedding patterns with a clear, Nordic twist. We visited them in the town of Jämijärvi to present our collection.

Tampellan Työhuone for memory-friendly interiors

Ms. Tuija Salmi has a long experience of coordinating memory-friendly interiors for people suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia. Together we designed a bedding collection for institutional use.

Pattern for foil printing

The pattern Winter flowers by Miira Zukale is a great example of how the patterns can be modified to the customer’s needs based on the material and technical demands.

Jacquard patterns in AW 2020-21 release of Deconovo

These jacquard patterns are available at the Deconovo stores in winter 2020-21. With the lovely shiny surfaces, the jacquard table cloths can be used both on a daily basis as well as during special occasions. 

Modern wallpapers by Dynic Co. Ltd

Dynic Co. Ltd is a Japanese company that operates around the world in many business fields. Among others, it supplies printing technologies and materials for Japanese wallpaper brands.