
Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy for innovative bedding in Finnish hospitals

Published: 19/04/2022

Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy’s new collection of innovative bedding was an idea of Ms. Tuija Salmi of Tampellan Työhuone who approached us with the memory-friendly pattern design needs.

Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy is the leading provider of textiles for hospitals and care homes located in Southern Finland. Besides textiles per se, Puro provides also maintenance services for textiles with its big and efficient laundry facilities washing about 9 million kilos of laundry every year.

Oftentimes hospital bedding is very pale, and that is because of the heavy washing cycle that it goes through on a regular basis – the colors tend to fade. However, with Ms. Salmi’s deep knowledge of the needs of people with memory illnesses, combined with her perseverance, Puro is taking the leap toward patterned bedding for improving the quality of life of people with memory challenges.

During the process, there were several co-creation workshops where patients with memory challenges and employees of care homes took part. When the suitable elements and final patterns had been chosen, the only thing to remail were the colors.

The designer changed the original colorways of the pattern, as seen above, to one requested by the customer. With the given color palette the collection got harmonized, but most importantly, it supports the independent life of a person with a memory illness.

This pattern of Ammi Lahtinen was among the four finalists of memory-friendly pattern designs, but it was not chosen for the first phase of the final collection that will be launched by Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy in summer 2022.

Anyway, we are happy to see the patterned, innovative bedding in use at hospitals and care centers very, very soon!