Designer tip

Season’s Greetings and Happy Year of the Tiger 2022!

Another year is coming to its end and it is soon time to enjoy the happy holiday season and the start of the year of the tiger 2022. May it be a prosperous one for you!

Business coaching for Guldunen

During business coaching sessions Ms. Elina Antila learned how to recognize work that is inspiring and takes her and her company forward.

Helsinki Design Week 2021: Sustainable sourcing of textiles in India Sept. 17th 14-16 EEST

Is sustainable sourcing of textiles possible in India, and how to work with Indian subcontractors? This workshop gives you the answer!

Helsinki Design Week: Working as a pattern designer – Webinar on Sept. 15th at 12-14 EEST

Working as a pattern designer is a dream for many. During this webinar, you will hear about different working, pricing, and agreement methods.

Portfoliokatselmus 10.9.2021 – ilmoittaudu mukaan!

Suuren suosion saavuttanut portfoliokatselmus järjestetään osana Helsinki Design Week 2021:n tekstiili- ja pintasuunnittelun superviikkoa. Ilmoittaudu mukaan 26.8.2021 mennessä!

License types for pattern designs

How do limited exclusive, semi-exclusive, and global exclusive license types for pattern designs differ at Patternsfrom Agency?

Portfoliokatselmus 28.10.2020

Patternsfrom Agencyn supersuosittu portfoliokatselmus tulee taas! Katselmusaikoja on tarjolla kahdeksalle ammattitasoiselle kuosi- ja pintasuunnittelijalle 28.10.2020 klo 11.30-17.45 välisenä aikana.

Virtual pattern design trade fair in our minds

We are investigating the interest for virtual pattern design trade fair. Please answer to our short inquiry about the topic!

Printtikuosin reilu hinnoittelu -webinaari

Tiesitkö, että aidosti vastuullinen toiminta ulottuu läpi koko tuotantoketjun? Järjestämme Printtikuosin reilu hinnoittelu -webinaarin 9.6.2020 klo 15-16.