
Pricing of pattern designs

Published: 06/04/2022

There are plenty of patterns out there – and the pricing of pattern designs is anything but obvious. It is possible to get a pattern for your graduation party invitation card for a couple of euros, or license one for a gift wrapping paper for a bit more. Then there are companies like us asking several hundred euros for a pattern.

One of our all-time favorite posts has been Design royalties and the minimum price for a pattern. Let’s continue with the same topic, as it seems to be an interesting one!


First of all – we only provide pattern designs created by professional textile designers. They create seamless designs with color-separated layers, and use different techniques in the sketching process. All patterns are unique, and the starting point is always an empty piece of paper or screen. Our designers do not use element banks, but they make all elements by themselves.

Second – we work in B2B world. Our customers are other businesses, usually fashion or home textile brands or manufacturers that use the patterns for industrial production. If the machinery requires adjustments to the pattern, we understand the needs and can provide the solution.

Third – we are a reliable partner with a growing list of references. We may not be the cheapest source for a pattern design, but we do deliver always the best available pattern designs in Scandinavian style and pattern-related services, such as coordination of colors and collections! We have plenty of returning customers, who buy not just once, but frequently our pattern design services.


Also, we have divided our patterns into four groups.

Group A includes patterns with repeats of big size. These fascinating patterns may have some special effects or twists in them, there may be elements in plenty of colors and on plenty of layers.

Group B has, most often, either a difficult report or plenty of elements on them.

Group C is for patterns that are with a couple of repeating elements on a simple report.

Group D is for small-sized and simple patterns with one or two repeating elements, most often checks, dots, lines etc.


The other components affecting the pricing are things like the term of the use, the territory where the pattern will be used, and the product group where the patterns will be used.

With Patternsfrom Agency you will always get a pattern, which is unique and ready for production. It is in repeat, and the colors are separated. Also, you will always get at least two colorways for any of the patterns. As proof of originality, you will receive information on the designer of the pattern, as well as a short story regarding the inspiration for the design, too, which can be used in the marketing purposes of the final product.

These are some of the variables that we use to define the pricing of pattern designs.


We advice the buyers of pattern designs to ask the designers about the terms as they tend to differ very much.

Feel free to ask more!