Tanja Kallio

Modern wallpapers by Dynic Co. Ltd

Dynic Co. Ltd is a Japanese company that operates around the world in many business fields. Among others, it supplies printing technologies and materials for Japanese wallpaper brands.

The first outcomes of design management project for Deconovo

In addition to designing patterns, the project includes material, color, and product coordination. We also created three style concepts with colours and mood boards for in-house use for developing the brand and collections.

Tanja Kallio – finalist of Sangetsu Wallpaper Design Awards 2019

Tanja Kallio’s Helmiäinen-pattern got shortlisted for Sangetsu Wallpaper Design Awards 2019 in Japan. It is a metal ink printed pattern for high spaces.

Design from Finland – guarantee for quality

The Design from Finland -mark of the Association for Finnish Work can be awarded for a product, product group or service that strongly represents Finnish design competence. The mark tells that the company has invested in professional design and achieved business advantages through design.