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Valitse Työtä Suomeen ja kotimainen kuosisuunnittelu!

Osta Työtä Suomeen -päivä tarjoaa erinomaisen mahdollisuuden tehdä sinivalkoisia valintoja ja valinnoilla vaikuttaa työpaikkojen määrään Suomessa.

Patternsfrom Agency’s design services in a nutshell

Besides designing single patterns, we work also with large design management projects. Here below you can read about Patternsfrom Agency’s design services in a nutshell.   Collection suggestion   We have a stock of hundreds of patterns in production-ready .pdf -files. This package includes our top picks based on your wishlist: more specified wishes give […]

Color coordination for textiles

We have gained a new reference who requested a service for color coordination for textiles. The given colors were adjusted so that there is more variety with the colors and they still go well with each other.

Pattern novelties for kids and babies

Pattern novelties for kids and babies are out now! Get in touch with us to get access to see the pattern designs for 2025-26.

Coordination of a pattern design collection

This service is good for companies that are either busy sourcing patterns or are unsure how to coordinate a collection in Scandinavian style.

HOMETEX 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey

We will bring our expertise in designing concepts, collections, and colorways in timeless Scandinavian style to Hometex 2024 fair.

Trend forecasting and new pattern designs

How does the trend forecasting and pattern design process flow look like at Patternsfrom Agency? Find out now!

Online-store for pattern design services is now open

Our long-awaited online store for pattern design services is now open. In the store, you can find also licenses for the ready-made designs as well as coaching service for pattern designers.

Why license a pattern design?

Why license a pattern design when you can buy one? Why be unsure of the total costs if you can estimate them precisely? Most pattern designs are still sold with the outright terms, but let’s take a look at the option of licensing a pattern design.