Treehouse, the concept for Classy pattern designs, is suitable for customers who are looking for classical, timeless Scandinavian style. It is at the top of the design trends.
Yearning for patterns with romantic nostalgia? This pattern concept is for you with its soft colors, delicate flowers, and sweet things.
Our pattern design sold to Barker Textiles for a woven blanket for babies will be delivered to all newborn Finns in 2023 with the maternity package of KELA.
How about decorating your interiors with modern Nordic style for the Christmas season? With these patterns, the Christmas mood is guaranteed!
Miira Zukale has designed these delicate floral patterns for autumn season. Who could resist kissing lovebirds?
This time in Editor’s Pick you have a chance to get to know our patterns for kitchen and dining rooms. All in trendy Scandinavian style.
We dug the pattern library for lovely Nordic patterns. The concept for lovely Nordic patterns with romantic style is called Bohemian Garden.
These vernal patterns for kitchen textiles and disposables in the colors of Scandinavian springtime brighten up your day!
In our pattern library, we have many unisex pattern designs for babies and kids, specially designed for the maternity package.